Frequently asked questions for 距离 education students

Will my class meet online at its regular times?
W在这里 will I find links to live course sessions?
What if I've already been attending an online course? 它会改变吗??
I'm not sure I'm getting all the notifications I should be.
I get "User not exist. (1.001)" when I try to install the licensed version of 缩放.
When I click the link in the email I got about my new 缩放 account, it says it's expired.
Do I need special equipment or software to access my 距离 classes?
Can I use my smartphone as a scanner?
我做n't see any recordings in the Panopto Recordings tab.
My Internet access isn't good enough to participate in live 缩放 meetings. 应该怎么 我做?
我做n't have any Internet access at home. 我该怎么办??
我做n't have Internet and none of the options above are available to me. 应该怎么 我做?