董事会议- 2011年5月

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Board of Regents

1:30 p.m.2011年5月13日

New Mexico Tech, Macey Center, Galena Room



The 威尼斯人app下载 Board of Regents convened at 1:30 p.m.摄政王理查德·卡彭特 主持.  其他 Board members present were Regent Jerry Armijo, Regent Deborah Peacock, 摄政王小亚伯·西尔弗. 还有摄政王奥马尔·索利曼.  大学行政人员、职员、 and guests who were also present included:

Daniel H. 洛佩兹



















4. 公告

Regent Carpenter called on President 洛佩兹 for announcements and he outlined the following:


Dr. 洛佩兹没有其他报告.

6. 2011年4月获学位:博士. 洛佩兹提出 the list of four candidates eligible to receive their master’s degrees.  Dr. 洛佩兹报告了本议程项目 simply to keep the Board fully informed, but no action was required for approving these degrees since the Board had previously vested the President with the authority 定期授予学位. 

Restricted Fund Purchase Notification:  Dr. 洛佩兹 provided the single April restricted 开支超过十万元.00.  While this agenda item did not require Board approval, it was provided, nonetheless, for information purposes.  该项目涉及变更 order made by EMRTC to the  Command Post Technologies, Inc. 支援合同 the EMRTC/Playas Training Center in order to facilitate strategic planning activities and program management with regard to the 3 – 1 AD exercises taking place at PTRC 2011年4月19日至2011年5月15日.  The funding for this program change order is 来自ARFB10基金.  The support change order will provide contract labor services and 次级分包商服务.  The change-order is priced in accordance with the Statement of Work and Corresponding Bid.

12. Request for Unrestricted Fund Purchase Exceeding $250,000.00:  Dr. 洛佩兹提出 a request to grant Altura Communications the contract to upgrade the current telephone 系统.  The request was based on a bid process conducted by the State which includes and qualifies Altura as an eligible contractor under the General Service Administration (GSA)合同定价协议.  The estimated cost will be about $259,424.24对 设备及安装服务. 

摄政苏 asked if the award included removal of the phones by Altura or by Tech.  Vice President Marquez replied Tech is to remove the phones and not the contractor, Altura. 

Regent Armijo moved to approve the award.  Regent Silver seconded the motion and it 一致通过.

Regent Armijo asked about the status of the August retreat.  摄政王卡朋特告诉 the Board members that the Retreat will take place in Albuquerque and that it will begin with a dinner on Thursday evening. Retreat business will be conducted Saturday 从早上8:30开始.m. to 12:00 noon, following the Friday morning regular Bard of Regents 会议.  A field trip, Friday afternoon, to a yet-to-be-determined destination, will be part of the schedule for the Board Retreat.  On Saturday, after the Retreat, participants will be free to leave around the noon hour. 

19. Adjournment:  Although the agenda provided for a possible Executive Session, under agenda items 17 and 18, there was no business to consider in Executive Session.  As a result, the Board skipped items 17 and 18, and in the absence if further business to come before the Board, Regent Armijo moved to adjourn the 会议.  摄政苏 seconded the motion and it was unanimously agreed to adjourn at 2:36 p.m.